I have already read about the new-style UNO services constructors, but I had never used them. Last week I discovered the power hidden in this tiny UNO improvement. Let's consider the following service specification:

module org { module openoffice { module test {

    service Customer : XCustomer {
        Customer( [in] string customerId );

}; }; };

To implement such a service we will need to add the com::sun::star::lang::XInitialization interface to the service inherited interfaces. The service interface could look like this:

module org { module openoffice { module test {

    interface XCustomer : com::sun::star::lang::XInitialization {
        [attribute, readonly] string Id;

}; }; };

Then the UNO constructor of the service will be implemented in the initialize() method specified by the XInitialization interface. Then the implementation could be like the following in Java:

public void initialize(Object[] pArgs) throws com.sun.star.uno.Exception {
    String id = args[0];

    // Do the initialization from the Customer's database (for example)

Then to use the service constructor, it's easy in Java:

Customer johnDoe = Customer.Customer("johndoe");

To use the constructor in Basic it's slightly more complicated because you will need to create the service with arguments. It should look like this:

oServiceManager = getProcessServiceManager()
oCustomer = oServiceManager.createInstanceWithArguments("org.openoffice.test.Customer", "johndoe")

This could seem trivial for any common object-oriented language programmer like Java, C++, but for UNO it's a big step. I hope this could help someone to better know UNO.