As I needed to perform some tests on Windows 7 and Office 2010 these days and I had two interesting surprises.

  1. Office 2010 asks the user to choose between ODF and OOXML as default storing format.
  2. Windows 7 asks which Web browser to use / install

Here are two screenshots to show these choices... they may be biased but at least they are existing.

Office 2010 format choice

Office 2010 format choice

Windows 7 browser choice

Windows 7 browser choice

I hope more people will then install Firefox on Windows and make it their default web browser.... but the most interesting point is about Office 2010: marketing centered on ODF support won't make the difference by now. We need to focus much more on:

  • innovating features. Copying what Office 2010 does is good to ensure compatibility, but we need to keep adding some useful features that aren't yet in Office 2010 for users to find something interesting in the product.
  • the values of open source and community as that's our main differenciator. How could we as a community show to the users that they have something to gain to contact us and be part of the adventure?