I have written an example of URE application just saying Hello URE world in two languages: C++ and Java. To run this example you will need an UNIX environment, that is to say a UNIX or an emulation like cygwin. It uses the following tools:

  • GNU Make
  • G++ 3.3
  • OpenOffice.org 2.0 SDK
  • URE installed in /opt/openoffice.org/ure/

Howto run the example ?

You just have to launch make to build the component. Launch unotest to run the URE starting with the C++ implementation and the Java one. To clear the directory, use make purge.

How does it work ?

This example is the one given in this post of my blog. It has been completed by a C++ implementation. The principle in C++ is the same than in Java: the major problem is the compilation chain. You can study it by reading the content of the makefile contained in the archive. To understand the makefile syntax, please refer to <a
href="http://theory.uwinnipeg.ca/localfiles/infofiles/make/make_5.html#SEC4"> this page.

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