
The Gecko and the Gull

Is it a unknown fable from La Fontaine? Not really, in fact it has more to do about and Mozilla. I was trying to tamper with some web pages and I wanted to check whether we could integrate easily a small web-browser inside

Hopefully, there is …

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Beryl and visually impaired persons

You will probably say that I'm about to write some stupid thing about 3D effects and visually impaired persons. You are wrong: Beryl can bring really useful features to the linux desktop for these persons. Many of them need reversed colors and/or a magnifier on their screen. Even if …

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A panorama from Lyon

Yesterday afternoon we were walking in the center of Lyon. Hopefully we had the digital camera to take some shots of the beautiful colors of Lyon when the sun starts lowering in the sky. I created a panorama using Hugin from 11 pictures: just see why Lyon is a beautiful …

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Crossing the desert

Yesterday, with some friends, we went discovering new games. We played in an association who owns a lot of author games. One of the most well known is the Settlers of Catan which inspired a free computer game: pioneers. Yesterday evening we played two interesting games: Carcassonne and La Traversée …

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Booking a hotel using the net

Last week, I had to go for some days in Rennes. To book a hotel there, I used the Mappy services to locate hotels near the town center. The problem is that when Mappy can't find an address in a city, it locates it near the town hall. Thus I …

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A wonderful week-end

During two days, my fiancee and I have decided to make a break in a our hight-speed rhythm of life. This break was the occasion for us to think about our coming wedding. More precisely to think about the christian wedding and the reasons who leads us to get married …

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uno-skeletonmaker and multiple services

Yesterday evening, I tried to find a way to register several UNO services implementations using regcomp. The problem is that the implementations have all been created using the uno-skeletonmaker tool and contained each their own static registration methods. However there was nothing to register all the services implementations in the …

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OOEclipseIntegration: subcomponent in IZ

Now OOEclipseIntegration bugs will have to be filed on IZ, Component: sdk, Subcomponent: eclipse-integration. This new step in the project development will help to split the work between different developers (when there will be more) and to keep a track of the bugs. IZ has probably a better memory of …

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