
Removing My Alfresco

I needed to remove the My Alfresco part in Alfresco Navigator. This is a piece of JSF hack that I'll share here. The way it is done here isn't the way it should be done in order to properly package it... but it's a hack.

Copy the source code of …

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Alfresco Database schema

I'm often looking for some precise informations in Alfresco database. This is quite hard when you don't have a graph showing the database schema.

I have recently discovered that SQuirreL SQL could help me in this task. Select each table to show in the graph, right-clic and select Add to …

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Toggle Alfresco in a read-only mode

Have you ever wondered how to keep Alfresco running while backing it up? As you may have found it, Alfresco database and data filesystem have to be saved in a coherent state. For this, Alfresco should be turned off, or in a read-only mode. A read-only mode is also useful …

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Who's using my Alfresco?

Every shared file server administrator has this problem: "who is taking most of the space?". This question is also a valid one for Alfresco administrators, but they do not have any easy tool to answer it. Adding this feature to Alfresco isn't very hard but for those who prefer reusing …

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Alfresco and categories

Have you ever counted the number of clics needed to select a Category on a document in Alfresco? The user interface for the category selection was really hard to understand for a normal user up to in the 2.x series and will be improved in the 3.0 version …

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Changing Alfresco Breadcrumb

Since I am configuring and installing Alfresco for customers I have a remark about the breadcrumb. Many of the customers want it to be a path showing the current node location instead of the default breadcrumb. In fact it behaves like a path if you are using only the browsing …

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Using Firefox 3.0 beta 5

As I have updated to the Ubuntu 8.04 I now have firefox 3.0 Beta 5 installed on my computer. Some of my extensions where not updated for Firefox 3.0 but I have found some betas of these extensions or replacements. Here are the extensions I've found: I …

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Using webscripts to extend Alfresco Web client

Alfresco Webscripts are really easy to code and can help to do many things (but not the coffee yet). They can even be used to create new dialogs in Alfresco, for example to show some custom informations. This post will explain how to setup a simple mechanism to help creating …

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Eclipse RCP and AJAX

Some time ago, I've discovered an Eclipse project which sounds interesting to me. This project aims at providing an AJAX runtime target for Eclipse RCP applications. I didn't have more time but to play a little with the public demos. Thus I still wondered what is the gap for an …

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Getting an OOo CWS

Recently, I wanted to build OOo with some features like canvas support. As I had some errors when building the canvas module, ericb2 told me that I should get the canvas05 CWSCWS: Child Work Space and build with it. As I didn't know how to do it …

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